
Talent Traits for Success

A 360° view on your talent traits and a system for growing’m

Discover the talent traits for success.
Discover the talent traits within the people around you.
Discover why they are so important and how you can develop a system to grow’m and empower yourself.
This keynote is an interactive, life changing experience full of fire.

Keynote duration: 1 x 60 min.


An approach that makes change accepted, feels good and delivers great results fast 

The challenge ...
If your company wants to continue to exist, it must change and that change can be scary.

For many people change is rather "threatening" than "challenging". They see it as a destroyer of what is known and comfortable, rather than it’s seen as the creator of what is new and exciting. And most people and organizations prefer to feel 'comfortable' instead of  'excellent'.

Today it is true that if you do not change, you stagnate and die. It's just vital to deploy change across the company.

The challenge is: how do I do this?


# 1: The psychology of change 

People will change when the alternative of remaining the same is worse than the change. Sometimes it's hard for people to realize the need for change. 

A pilot I once made an interesting comment at this point to illustrate. 

He told me that many pilots have died because they stayed up in their battered camera. They preferred the familiarity of the cockpit to the unfamiliarity of the ejector seat, even though the cockpit was a deadly trap in which they were imprisoned. 

Many companies have "died" because the management preferred the 'known' and 'trusted' and 'comfortable' old way of doing things, over the challenging, risky, and above all more profitable new ways of doing business. 

People who strive for stability, are generally reluctant to change. The steadfast, dependable and loyal employees in an organization are often afraid of change. 
It is important that we consider them, because often they are the majority. Fortunately there are many things we can do to help them overcome this fear for change. 

When change is planned well, communicated greatly, executed good then it succeeds. 

Planned change requires a process. 

Planned change is based on values. 

# 2: Change as "natural habit" to develop talent within your organization 

  • The biological inner drivers of people
  • An indepth look at nature and how mother nature handles change
  • The power of communication 
  • Constant motivation is a must

Why education, training and coaching are diamond tools for change, because growth is one form of natural change that feels great.

How to handle ‘cultural’ change when companies make by example mergers. There are lot’s of processes of change initiated at such a moment and we’ve learned that the culture in one company can vary a lot from the culture in the other company. Many times, such issue’s endangered the existance of the new formed entity at it’s core.  

Developing your own strategical blueprint for change in your organisation

Duration: 2 x 3.5 hours  

Audience: business managers in medium and large companies, no matter at what level and people who do not carry the title of manager, but in their association are exposed to change.

T³ : how to win with talented people


We run blindly with our heads against the wall!

Because ... 
More then ever we prove lip service to the "human capital" of our business while we maintain our long-standing penchant for recruiting and cultivating loyal "employees". We say that we take 'talent' seriously and meanwhile we fail to transform our business in a way that they are a real magnet for talent.

Putting people FIRST! (For real.) 

At every convetion of entrepreneurs, in almost every interview on how to improve our business, I hear this sentense: “people are our most valuable capital”. The problem? 
It is usually ... BIG BULLSHIT! It is just saying words, not the essence of what business DOES. Not the essense of what the top of an organisation invest it’s time in. 

Is your organisation any different? Let me ask you one question. 

When it’s the time for ... THE BIG QUARTERLY BOARD MEMBERS MEETING ... What’s the first point on top of the agenda? 
Financial results? Figures and budget? New products? Marketing campaigns? 
WHEN you sincerely belief that people are your most important asset, that talent is you true corporate capital, ... THEN TALENT MUST BE ON TOP OF THAT AGENDA. This  program is ALL ABOUT TALENT. 


# 1: Leadership Foundations 

Get a clear view on leadership. 
The correct image of oneself and the right image of others. Why we all need Hero’s, Role Models, A Mentor and A Coach.   What everyone wants.  
The choice is yours.
Character in action. 

# 2: Posture 

Your attitude and behavior as a leader. 
A 6-step formula 
Acknowledge Talent 
Meet and greet people 
An insurance policy for good posture 

# 3: excellence in developing talent

Eight steps to excellence 
Keep your dignity ... at all times 
Recognize highlights 
Learn to give constructive criticism 
Motivation, sources and techniques 

# 4: A strategy for achievement 

Why most people don’t set goals 
Why you need to have a strategy for achievement with a goals-action-plan. 
How to develop those? 
Each step in detail. 
Write a book   

# 5: Productivity 

About bamboo, the bumblebee and caterpillars 
Performance Analysis 
Obligations and limits 
Productivity Troubleshooting 
Team Improvement 
Creating Desire 

# 6: Strengthen your leadership 

About balloons, kids, and ofcourse again: talent
Your 'image' radiates 
Treasure hunt 

Duration: 4 hours per module 

Audience: EVERYONE. 
Because everyone sooner rather than later will have the choice to take leadership

From Loathing to Loving

Retain clients and convert’m into raving customers 

In today's business environment, customers are more demanding than ever. 

They expect to get what they want, when they want and often completely customized to their expectations. If they do not get it from one company, they can easily obtain it from another.

Since buying is an emotional process, the customer who ultimately "falls in love" and thus "buys" can emotionally flip 180°  into 'hatred' when the slightest thing goes wrong.

Every customer can now rate any business on internet!

In times where internet communications through social networks have such an important influence on the people this is dangerous. In times where every company can be found (by example on maps search)  and everyone an assessment or a 'review' can post about this company, this offers opportunities but also threats. It goes without saying that this is a very dangerous IF not properly handled.

Some other examples:

Every hotel knows now what the impact of negative customer reviews can be.
Each restaurant knows the impact of online customer reviews.
We all look at review sites to see what others think.

How do you handle this as a business or a professional?
How do you deal with customers who one moment are very enthusiastic and a little problem suddenly turn into customers who hate your business? And how to avoid worse?
I hear you asking, "can it be worse"? Yes. When hatred hardens into indifference. If the customer has become indifferent, because you can do whatever you want to try to make up, it affects the customer no longer emotional.

In this program you will discover the psychology, strategies and practical steps to go from 'falling in love' to evolve to 'love' with your customers and how to flip 'hate' lightning quick back love. In this program you will also discover how you can prevent that customers become indifferent.

This program consists of two parts of three hours.

The first part of 3 hours is for the management, designed to provide the leadership and the framework for an organizational culture that will be known for its 5 star service.

The second part is also a module of 3 hours for all employees and aims to show them what they can do in their daily work for clients to deliver a 5 star service, turn 'issues' into 'opportunities' and bring the client from hate to love.

Participants will discover: 

The changing psychology around the customer purchasing ...
How the world has changed with internet 2.0 where customers can write and review items, create "fan" but also "hate" pages on social media, publish their opinion on their favorite review website ...
The psychological path that a customer takes from falling in love to love and the potential hazards associated with turning into hatred  ...
To recognize the value of a customer for the company and themselves ...
Her or his own communication skills, (re) identifying and developing better communication with customers ...
Exercises and ideas to evolve into increasingly better customer service and an increasingly growing network of customers who love to come back and bring their family and friends along.

What management sees additional:

The conceptual framework 'company - employee - customer" in relation to the customer.
The levels of emotion in a customer and the factors that bring them to a certain level.
How to involve everyone in the organization in a winning strategy.
How to quickly and effectively implement this strategy.

Duration: 2 x 3 hours

Any company, organization and self who realizes how important it is to just dwell on the fact that customers are empowering your business results.
That customers are able to present your case, your product, your service via very quick access to the internet, when you do it the right way, but they can damage your business heavily if you screw up.

Strategical Customer Fidelity

The program you don’t want your competition to follow.

This is a talent development program for your company, that commes with a strict condition. This strict condition is that all high-level policy makers in the company MUST be present. Whatever the title is, entrepreneur,  managers, executive and director, ATTEND THIS. 
But ofcourse only if you want more loyal customers, customers who spend more of their business and generally make more profit.

This program contains about 99.5 refined concepts around customer service. 
The program combines the skills, principles and practices of Total Quality Management with a system of Total Customer Delight and thus ensuring faithful Customer fidelity. 

In this program you will learn from the best, including: W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Philip Crosby, Armand Feigenbaum and Zig Ziglar. Each of them shares his powerful insights on crucial issues in terms of company policy regarding 'customer fidelity' so that you can develop a stronger organization throughout the program. Also to ensure that you see how the learning points can be effectively applied in reality.

Your advantage is that theory and practice vary often and quickly. This keeps it interesting and you'll see what actually works and what does not. This signature program contains  lot's of tools and a manual of almost 200 pages. 


#1: Introduction to ensure customer fidelity 

The relationship between TQM & TCD; What it takes to be perceived as a great company. It is probably not what you think. Horror stories. 

#2: Upside Down & Inside out 

How to turn your organization on its head and why this is necessary. The PDCA cycle will guide you once you start changing the existing company structure so that all change is customer-driven. 

# 3: Inner-Clients

Create superior value for your inner-clients (=employed talent) through communication and teamwork. Without inner-clients who are provoked for your products and the company is practically an impossible task to get external customers who are excited fans. 

# 4: External Customers 

Many companies have no idea why their customers buy from them. If they do not, the reasons usually are also unknown. The 'Customer Value Triangle'  will change your insights when you learn that delight  must be expressed through all facets of customer contact. 

# 5: A Customer Care Plan 

Everything you need to know about customer satisfaction and how to develop a customer fidelity plan. Which products and services are of vital importance to your customer are the foundation of any customer satisfaction program? How and where to pay attention, so the chain is strengthened Services-Benefits are the core of this part. 

# 6: Process Improvement  

Most steps in any process provide no added value to the customer. Learn how to cut 75% of these steps by using a tool: value added analysis. Identify your core values, vision and mission and use the PDCA cycle.
Leave your competition gasping for breath.

Duration: 6 x 3.5 hours 

The Rose: irresistible marketing

69 idea’s on persuasive communication to empower you and your business.

For everyone in every profession in every business ... 

The basics of persuasive communication are truly 'fundamental'. 

In your personal life, persuading is key to dating, sex, the famous "Yes I will", children, your motorcycle or cabrio car, new house, piece of art, ... 

In your social life, persuading is what allows you to be accepted, be liked, getting along, make friends and strong relationships with others, and be respected as a valuable person the community. 

In your business life, persuading is also the underlaying driver for successful negotiations, team synergy, great customer relationships, attracting investors, public relations, sales and ofcourse marketing. Are you great at all of these, with no room for improvement, then this program is nothing for you. If you however are interesed to learn numerous powerful idea's that can equip you with an almost unfair advantage on every aspect mentioned where persuasive communication is involved, this is a program you surely want to follow. 

Attention! Only for those that are awake. 
Yes, you'll have to be awake, fit and in razorblade sharp state of mind to follow this program and get the most out of it. It's not for wimps. I move trough this seminar and it's content at lightning speed. 

69 idea's  ... In only 4 times 3 hours for the development program. That's about:
... 2 minutes per idea to learn, 
... 3 minutes to discuss, 
... 4 minutes to exercise to be able to 'acquire' it and 'apply' it. 

Next to that, some of the presented  idea's can be quite shocking for a number of people. 

Yes, 69 idea’s ... 

That if you implement only a fraction of them, will definitly have a positive influence in your life and change your life, your relationships and your business for the better. 

I created this seminar because several people that I meet with in my social network and in business are doing ‘things’ and ‘stuff’, but lack the insights to use persuasion as a mastered skill in order to achieve their true potential. I believe it’s to the benefit of everyone if we master persuasive communication because it’s only when we get things done that we progress.

69 idea’s on  ... 

... what persuasion is
... what the fundamentals are for  Personal Persuasive Power
... attractiveness and attraction
... positioning
... story telling ... desire
... inner motives
... nosiness
... germane
... creating persuasive advertising
... customer service that is persuasive
... the power of ‘we’ and ‘us’
... Thank you
... Being punctual
... Walk our talk
... Money
... Body language
... Perception
... Dreams
... Connecting
... Lunch
... Design
... Hustle
 ... And much more!

Extra: tools to measure results

Every signature program of mine contains tools to measure the results you get out of the development program. This is however NOT a signature program [Mostly because it has a completely different structure and educational approach]. Still it contains also a most valuable set of tools to develop yourself and to measure progress in your personal life and business endeavors.  

So develop yourself and the talent in your company to be more persuasive in every aspect of business and book this program now. 

Duration: 4 x 3.5 hours as program

$urreptitious Marketing

$trategies and concepts to leave your competition behind in dispair before they know what’s happened and make lot’s of money in the process.

Unfortunatly there's a dramatic truth that very few people in business today are aware about, and it's this one: marketing is the main driver of practically any business.
It's the system that keeps the business not just alive, it keeps the business thriving. Marketing is the major source of every business.

So what is marketing? Marketing is the science of seducing people to try your product or service, making'm come back over and again, and attract them to buy more every time they come back. The opposite is also true: without marketing you lose customers and eventually your business. So marketing can be legitimately seen as the 'blood' of your business. It's vital.
The drama? It is one of those aspects of business that most people don't understand. Worse, it's even less used. And that is not only sad, it's terrifying.

Wait a minute I hear you shout:  I see marketing used all around!
Oh yes, I agree. You see 'advertising' on TV. Plenty of them. Yes, I agree. You get loads of publicity magazines and flyers in your mailbox.
And yes, I agree. You see big bilboards along the streets.
Who knows, to your annoyance, you even get telemarketeers on the phone.

My point? These are 'parts' of what should be a strategical planned and executed marketing campaign. Mistakingly many times they are taken as 'the' strategical marketing campaign and they shouldn't be. Not by far. Surreptitious Marketing Strategies can create the edge that your business needs. Not just to survive, but to win, to get ahead of the competition and leave'm behind.

In this program you will learn all the simple foundations of marketing. 

So yes, you will see all those evident marketing techniques that generate a lot of money, simply because they work. Just as in sales - or for that matter in any other profession (like by example judo) - if you ignore the basics, you'll never succeed in growing to the most advanced level.
This program is filled with many marketing ideas and concepts that any business can apply immediately. We'll explore principles, tips, techniques, theories, and case studies so that you'll master how to implement them in your business to overmatch your competitors and gain customer share.
You’ll learn how to leverage your assets in order to augment your profits.
This program will equip you with the mindset, knowledge and skills to be innovative, dynamic, and a bit nontraditional in your thinking and business endeavors.

Why? Because very few business owners know the surreptitious marketing strategies, concepts and techniques  I’m about to reveil  you. They can increase your profits up to 10 times over — that’s a 1,000% growth!

After attending this program, you'll have learned 20.5 different strategies step by step to win from your competition. 

I'll have answered another 20.5 of the most pertinent questions on how to implement surreptitious marketing strategies in the most profitable way.
You'll discover techniques for generating massive cash almost overnight.
And most important, you'll find out how to position yourself in a way that you are perceived as the benchmark in your industry, the leader.

If this seems 'to good to be true', I understand. Many of my clients reacted this way before. Happiously they did buy into this program and followed it. Now they are most happy and have only one regret: that they didn't follow it much earlier.
Trust me on this: you’re about to discover and understand the most profound, simple yet powerful, money-making surreptitious marketing strategies. You'll see how to augment your profits and how to beat your most frightening competitors, and that's what you really want, isn't it?

If so, then dive right into surreptitious marketing: strategies and concepts to leave your competition behind in dispair before they know what’s happened and make lot’s of money in the process.

Duration: 6 x 3.5 hours
